
Maths Vision

At Fryern, in Maths, we aim to prepare the children for their future through providing them with opportunities to develop key foundational understanding through fluency, exploring, reasoning and problem solving. We encourage them, with resilience, to develop their deeper thinking and make links through reflection and sharing their curiosity and ambition. Maths helps pupils to understand how the world works and is fundamental to their future success.


We intend to provide a maths curriculum, which is inclusive and will engage and inspire each child to develop a love of the subject. It will provide them with the tools and understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics and the ability to make connections through reasoning and problem solving.  At Fryern, children will be taught through the mastery approach; they will have opportunities to become fluent and reflective learners and understand its importance within everyday life situations.


The maths curriculum ensures students learn through a small steps approach, based on the National Curriculum, using White Rose Maths, to build on learning. Topics are taught in blocked units but opportunities are given for interleaving and overlearning of topics through a mastery approach. Teaching is delivered with metacognition at the centre, through using the ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach. This approach involves all children having the opportunity to access the task through adaptation and scaffolds. During lessons children are given opportunities to improve mental maths, fluency, deepen understanding and attempt challenges. Language is key within Maths at Fryern, with the use of stem sentences to support learners and to provide structures for learning alongside clear representations that support children’s understanding. Any misconceptions are addressed through assessment for learning and teaching is adapted to enable children to address them. Progression is ensured through: topics being built across years, assessment of topics and, at the end of the year, transition meetings to inform for the future. Parents are encouraged to support their children in maths through workshops and parent consultations. 

We aim to achieve this in the Early years by giving the children opportunities to: develop a strong grounding in number through:

  • Learning all about numbers to 20 – one at a time and subitising
  • Tens frames for registers and house points
  • Spacial reasoning through inside and outside play
  • Role play for time, money, measuring equipment
  • Count regularly through song and routines within the day
  • Talk about size – comparing and contrasting

In KS1 children will continue to build on their first number and special awareness skills to undertake mastery-based maths learning to explore:

  • Place value
  • Number – Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Measurement – money, length, height, mass, volume, time
  • Geometry – shape, position and direction

In KS2 children will continue to develop their understanding of mathematics through mastery – based learning to understand:

  • Place value
  • Number – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Number – negative numbers, ratio, algebra
  • Measurement – money, distance, mass, capacity, time, area
  • Geometry – 2D and 3D shape, position and direction
  • Statistics

Through learning maths at Fryern, the intended impact is that the children will be able to understand and manage in the world around them. They will have the skills to solve problems, build on previous learning and enjoy challenges with resilience and increased self-confidence. They will be reflective learners who recognise the importance of pattern and making connections not only within maths but to help them access other curriculum areas and the wider world. They will be more effective mathematicians and they will be able to confidently use a range of approaches and practical equipment to find the correct answers. They will relish the opportunities to be successful when solving tricky problems and learning new strategies. Through the mastery approach the children will be able to learn both independently and as part of a group, discussing, listening, and sharing their ideas, which they will be able to further develop in KS3.

Children as Mathematicians 


Multiplication Tables Check Meeting Powerpoint


Numbers Count is a national teaching programme designed for children who are struggling with skills in number. The programme is taught by a specialist teacher who has qualified to deliver the programme by attending training run by Edgehill University. The teacher seeks to discover where the child is in their mathematical thinking prior to writing and delivering a series of up to sixty lessons specifically for that child. The aim is for the child to develop their confidence in maths  and  understanding of number through a range of practical and real life situations. Numbers Count teachers use discussion and a huge range of practical equipment. Pupils are encouraged to explain where they are struggling and to try different ways of working to overcome any difficulties. In our school Mrs.Jones is a qualified Numbers Count teacher who works across the Federation. Her role is to identify where children struggle and to work with them to move them forward in terms of their progress in Number. This programme has running for two years in Key Stage One and for a year in Key Stage 2.


Message from Mrs Jones

I am delighted to be trained in this area and be able to work with the children to help them develop their skills and most importantly their confidence in Number. By working with children individually in a designated, maths orientated teaching area I have the opportunity to get to know the child very well and gain an insight into their mathematical thinking. It is extremely rewarding to help children develop their confidence and to work with them and their families. There have been many successes for the children involved in this programme and I look forward to continuing to develop it at Fryern, by working closely with my colleagues in both schools to share ideas and methods of working. As part of my role I work with parents and carers advising them as to how to help their child in the most effective ways. I am always keen to meet with parents and I run regular workshops to share and demonstrate easy ideas in Number which they can use at home to help their child. Please check the page for regular updates and news about Numbers Count. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more.



Young children need to develop a sense of number, what numbers mean, where they are found, their value and what their function is. Practical experience of numbers is essential.

Generate interest in numbers in every context i.e house numbers, numbers in shops, ages, shoe size, numbers on phones, cars etc

Draw attention to numbers in everyday use i.e labels, scales ,clocks, T.V stations, calendars

Draw attention to numbers in familiar places i.e home/car/school/shops/homes of other family members/shops/places visited.

Count everything and at every opportunity!

Apples into bags, stairs, passing cars, people in bus queue, windows on buildings, Lego bricks, plastic toys, books on shelves, cutlery on table, shoes on floor, dried pasta loaded into toy trucks, buttons, cakes, straws, tins……..

Count in twos by pairing up socks, shoes, wellies, animals

When counting ask questions such as:

  • What is one more than/one less than? What is the total?

  • What is the number after/before?

  • What is the number between?

  • Can you double the number?

  • Can you share things into equal groups?

  • Who has more/less?

  • Is 4 larger than 3?

  • Count forwards and backwards…start with 1-10 then 1-20

  • Count in twos and tens

  • Sing number songs, read stories with a number theme, play number games i.e dominoes

  • Jump/clap/skip/hop/tap out when counting

Most importantly…talk about numbers and have fun!