Information & Duties


What is the role of governors?
Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability and have an important part to play in raising school standards. To ensure the Governing Body has the relevant expertise to carry out its core duties effectively, governors have been appointed with different skill sets. In addition, it is important for governors to be familiar with the school and its community. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing body, so individual governors do not act independently. Governors are appointed for a period of four years and may seek re-election if eligible. There are different categories of governor, but once appointed, governors are of equal standing.

The full governing body meets once each half term and all governors attend. There are also two sub-committees, Curriculum and Standards and Finance and Resources. The Chair of Governors and Headteacher are members of all committees by virtue of their position. The expectation is for all governors to join one of the committees and attend all the committee meetings. Exceptions might be made to this expectation when a governor is not able to attend committee meetings due to ill health, or due to work or childcare commitments. There is also a Pay Committee and a Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel. Working groups are set up from time to time to review specific areas, as and when required.  There are named link governors for Safeguarding (James Atkins and Jane Spencer), pupil premium (James Atkins), SEND (Debbie Silvester) and EYFS (Jane Spencer). Whilst reviewing the organisation of our subject strategy groups, we have named contact governors for subjects.
English – Karen Murray; Maths – Adam Murton; Wider Curriculum – 


Contacting the Governing Body
We welcome letters and value your comments. Letters to the governing body should be addressed to the Chair and handed in at the school office. If you have concerns relating to the day to day running of the school these should, in the first instance, be referred to the Headteacher.


Curriculum and Standards Committee
Louise Piggin (Acting HT Infants)


Responsible for:

  • Ensuring all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is suited to their age, aptitude and ability.
  • Monitoring and evaluating standards, attainment & achievement of pupils.
  • Ensuring children’s safety at school by monitoring Child Protection and Safeguarding arrangements.
  • Developing links with parents and the community.
  • Ensuring an accessibility plan is produced outlining how the school’s provision is accessible for pupils.

Sarah Roberts (Acting HT Juniors)
Miriam Bokhove
Karen Murray
Elaine Maddison 
Jamie Hunt
John Stainton 
Debbie Silvester 
Daniel Boyes


Finance and Resources Committee
Louise Piggin (Acting HT Infants)

Responsible for:

  • Ensuring the school operates within the requirements of the Local Authority’s Financial Management Scheme and Financial Regulations.
  • Planning, reviewing and monitoring the schools budgets.
  • Considering and approving recommendations on all financial aspects relating to personnel, curriculum and school premises.
Sarah Roberts (Acting HT Juniors)
Jane Spencer
Adam Murton
Miriam Bokhove
John Stainton
Karen Murray
Emma Hughes


Pay Committee 
James Atkins

Responsible for:

  • Checking performance management arrangements are in line with the Performance Management policy
  • Receiving annual report from Headteacher regarding recommendations for the teachers’ pay awards.
  • Receiving report from the Headteacher’s Performance Management group regarding recommendations for the Headteacher’s pay award.


Karen Murray
Adam Murton


Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel
John Stainton

Responsible for:

  • Reviewing Headteacher’s performance and setting annual objectives.
  • Identifying professional development needs/activities with the Headteacher.
  • Making recommendations to the governing body’s Finance and Resources committee in respect of performance point/s of salary.
  • HIAS representative attends in advisory capacity.
Jane Spencer
Miriam Bokhove
HIAS advisor - LLP (in attendance)