Welcome to the Fryern Acorns page

We are a very active PTA, organising events for the children, their parents and families. These activities include Summer and Christmas Fayre’s, the best Firework Display in Chandlers Ford and pupil disco’s.

All of the money raised is used to help improve the school community, whether it be purchasing new equipment, improving the school environment or providing activities for the children.

We are always looking for new ideas and new members – whether it is for an hour a year or in a more active capacity. We’d love to hear from you. You can get in touch via the admin office at either school or email on 

Fryern Acorns PTA page –


Meet the team

Co-Chair: Leah Constable and Laura McIntyre
Vice Chair: 
Treasurer: Sian Stephen
Secretary: Susanne Fredrich-Thornton


Second Hand Uniform: Kim Leslie

Active members

 Julie Jones, Louise Amy James, Bryony Legg

Upcoming Events
Please visit our Acorns Events page to see upcoming events - Events Page

We have planned a number of meetings – see the calendar for times and venues – Everyone Welcome

Please also ask at the school office for more details.